版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本
Source verfügbar unter: https://bitbucket.org/vmayer/smarthome-xs1
Android App zur Steuerung der Smarthome XS1 Einheit.
Verwaltung aller Aktuatoren
Objekte hinzufügen oder entfernen
Unterstützung für Timer, Sensoren und Skripte
Abo Dienst kann im Hintergrund gestartet werden
Unterstützung für eigene Makros
Eigene Apps können über Intents angebunden werden
Automatisches Anlernen neuer Aktuatoren
Automatische Aktionen in Abhängigkeit von der eigenen Position
Zeitgesteuerte Makros und Alarme
Spracherkennung über Widget
und vieles mehr..
#how to use speech recognition
wih this widget it is possible to execute macros.. switch actuators and get sensor values directly by talking to the app. To get best effort it is neccessary to to use a specific pattern shown below
for makros
['Makro'] + Makroname
for actuators
Aktuatorname + ['an'|'anschalten'|'aus'|'ausschalten'|Wert] + ['Prozent'|'Grad' -> Optional]
for sensors
Sensorname + ['abfragen']
How to use your own App and Intents to send commands to your XS1
Intents can be used in android to send commands through the smarthome app from your own app and receive status information
#How to use Intents from smarthome-xs1
Intents from the app can be used to send command to and get info from the app.
send a command
sending commands is done by sending an intent-object of type com.android.xs.controller.SEND_XS to the app with to lists of extras.
One is of type ArrayList and includes all names of the actuators to be changed or sensors to be read.
the other is of type ArrayList and includes all values of the actuators to be set and 0 values for sensors. The two list have to be of same length!
get the status
after sending a command the app will answer with an Intent with extra "Status" and a string with information if the action succeeded. Furthermore the answer will contain a StringArrayListExtra? named "Values". In there the names and values of the requested sensors will be stored in the pattern "[name];[value]".
get a list of all actuators & sensors
if the sent list of names is empty the app will return a list of all actuators and sensors in the Values Extra in the format
-from here actuators-
-from here sensors-
execute a makro
for executing a makro just leave the the lists names and vals null and add a list named makros with the makro names to be executed.
both lists have to be of same length and the names of the actuators or sensors to be changed/read must be the same as defined in the xs-1, otherwise status intent will contain an error-message